Von Vanil

My name is Beata, more known as VonVanil or simply Vanil on the internet! I'm 28 y.o creator from Poland, always looking for new paths to personal development and trying various hobbies. Every year I have one goal: to learn or do something new.I finished my bachelor's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in the field of Intermedia. I did my master's degree in Early Childhood Education with Pedagogical Therapy. I am currently working as a babysitter and animator for children during promotional campaigns of a language school. I have my own small shop on Etsy with prints, stickers and handmade various things like bookmarks and wooden boxes.I love photography, tomato soup with cheese and Dr.Pepper.Down below you can see links to my socials media, to my portfolio and commission page. Check them out if you are interested in my work more!PL | ENG

Contact & Social Media
Etsy Shop

E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: Vanil#7012

My shop